Saturday, November 17, 2012

Breaking News

This week the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) sent out a notification to doctors and hospitals telling them that after running extensive government-funded ;-)  tests, they have determined that it is possible to measurably lower the incidence of post-surgical wound infection if patients (meaning yours truly) will just deign to bathe in this fabulous antimicrobial soap for 2 days before, and the day of, surgery.

I'm all for preventing infections, particularly in my body, but this is some uninviting - dare I say nasty - stuff. It smells like a hospital and you have to wash with it like you're in the army. That means soak down, turn off the water, scrub with it from the neck and moving downwards all over (except face and the lady bits) for at least 5 minutes, and then rinse off. No washing with your regular soap afterwards. The day of surgery you can't use your regular deodorant, etc. either.

Admit it, you envy me. :-)

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